Lights out!

Weekend recap:
Friday night RML and I came home from work, I cooked dinner (ok so i boiled noodles and opened a jar of sauce and made a caesar salad)and we rented The Incredibles. That was such a cute movie. Of course, I watched it since RML fell asleep (as usual) during the first 30 minutes. Saturday I just ran a lot of errands and did laundry. I think I have finally made a decision on the bridesmaid dresses. After writing out a list of what I still have left to do for the wedding I realize that I am in the WEEDS (sounds like Outback eh Madison?) I finally made RML commit to FREAKING ASKING his friends to be groomsmen - I basically gave him a list of whom he should ask - and to pick out his tux within the next 2 weeks. He also has the job of getting the marriage license (which I will probably end up doing) and getting the wedding bands. At least our engagement photo session is set up and after my final alteration I get to do my bridal portraits. That is going to be so much fun - it will be like being a model for a day. It's fun to be the pretty princess.
Went to church and I am going to begin my RCIA classes next week after the welcoming ceremony after next Sunday mass. Next Saturday I have to attend a day of prayer at the parish (from 10 AM to 3PM). This I have never done so it should be interesting.
RML and I bought a new grill for him for his birthday. It's a nice stainless steel grill. We had to assemble it ourselves so we did that yesterday. About 1/2 hour into the project we lost power due to severe storms for the remainder of the assembly. We only made one mistake and was easily fixed. We used the new grill last night and RML is so happy with it. It's funny to see guys get so excited about their new "toys".
RML's mother called last night and I answered. I tried to ask her how she was doing and she blew me off and said "is RML there? i need to talk to him." I wished her a happy Mother's Day and she said "oh, thanks". She's got issues. I really hope that someday she'll start acting like she cares. She called RML to complain because he sent her flowers and she was out of town (he didn't know she was going since she never bothered to tell him) and they sat at her neighbors house all weekend. I wanted to try to be her friend but she makes it impossible.