At last.... i can add an entry

Ode to my shoe boxes�.
Two weekends ago RML and I washed the cars and did yard work since it was a beautiful day � 80 degrees and sunny with little white puffs of cloud with a light breeze�. Mmmm that was a nice day�. Ok, back to the story. It was getting dark and I wanted to put the cars back in the garage so that I could go inside since I had to start dinner. RML said he would help me but he was cleaning his guns. An hour later he is still cleaning guns so I decide to pull both cars into the garage myself. I get into RML�s car and back up to straighten out the car and then started to slowly pull into the garage. I got to the lip of the garage floor where it is raised and I thought because I was going so slowly that the car wouldn�t go over the bump so I give it a little gas and it starts rolling in but then I hear this noise and it sounds like I hit something. I jumped out of the car and ran to the passenger side and was mortified by what I saw! It was my shoe boxes and a box of books. These were all things that were in the trunk of the car but I took them out and put them on the garage floor while I vacuumed the trunk. I was planning to return both pair of shoes and to mail the books from my book club. RML thought I had hit the garage and when he found out that it was just boxes (he thought they were empty, he went back to cleaning his guns). I had to back the car out to get the boxes out from under the car and went back to access the damage. The boxes were mangled and as I opened the flattened lids I saw that neither pair of shoes was hurt. Thank God! I am very happy the shoes weren�t damaged but the boxes are unsalvageable and un-returnable (at least without embarrassment and a good reason as to why the boxes look that way). I had to return these shoes because in a moment of weakness and an hour at Nordstroms I had two pair for a total of $375.00. Eek!!! I couldn�t possibly tell RML I spent that kind of money on shoes considering my income. Anyway, the dilemma I face now is do I return the shoes and make up a story saying the reason the boxes were damaged is because my fianc� thought I was keeping the shoes and had planned to throw them out � or do I keep these shoes, suck it up and realize that I have $400 to pay off on my Nordstoms card�? I�m still torn�..
My Nanna Z passed away today. She is my Dad�s Maternal Grandmother. She was 98 (I think) and was living in California. My Mom called me to tell me. I�m not really sad for her death because she has been getting older and her body and mind deteriorating with age. I�m just sad for my Grandmother because I�m sure she will miss her Mom� even though Nanna Z wasn�t really nice all the time � she was very strong headed and stubborn and it was her way or she�d quit talking to you. But, she had her good moments too and lots of good stories. I don�t think that she and my Grandmother had that great of a relationship but they were still mother and daughter and loved each other. My Mom wishes her Mom were still alive and so do I.
RML�s grandfather passed away on Friday. RML had to go to the wake yesterday so he flew out of Houston at 7 AM and landed in OH and then drove 3 hours to West Virginia. He flew back in this afternoon and then tomorrow afternoon he is off again until Saturday night. He and a few of the guys here at work are going on a �team building� trip to Colorado where they have rented a house and plan to ski and go fly fishing. Must be rough having all those perks� although it couldn�t be at a worse time since he is exhausted from traveling. We went to Dallas Friday night and I went to Lisa�s bridal shower and he went golfing with a broker from our company. Then we flew back to Houston Saturday evening and went straight to the hotel where we had to change and go to dinner and �casino night� for a broker appreciation party. Sunday morning we had brunch at the hotel ($145 later) and it was on the company�s dime I�m happy to say.

A cute little white Easter bunny basket hopped onto my desk while I was working out over my lunch hour. It is too cute! It�s from Hallmark and it has chocolates in its pouch. RML put it on my desk. Isn�t he the sweetest? The bunny says �some bunny loves you� when you press his little foot.

Days of Our Lives is driving me crazy. I have no idea why I continue to watch the show. I have been DVR-ing it every day and then at night or on the weekend I watch them and fast forward through the parts I don�t care about. Anyway, I am so tired of Belle and Shaun D not being together, tired of Jan Spears and her bribery, tired of wiked Kate ruining people�s lives �for her children�s happiness�, tired of Billie Reed getting in between Bo and Hope and tired of Jack, Marlena and Roman being held captive. I�m addicted to Days and don�t know how to stop myself. I haven�t been watching it until the past 2 months except for the times I was working out from 1-2 and then I would just catch up on the website.
I waited to watch 24 until RML came home tonight. We love that show. I also like Median and last night�s episode was great.
I bought vases for the table centerpieces for my wedding! I�m so excited! Andrea and Ted move into their new house in the next week or two. Andrea and I are so excited about �our� wedding. She�s living vicariously through me with the planning since she didn�t plan hers with Ted (he planned the Hawaii engagement, wedding, honeymoon surprise vacation) although she is not complaining by any means. I have to find a dress and the bridesmaid dresses soon � I plan to find my dress in the next 2 weeks� the hourglass is turned� and these are the Days of Our Lives.