Hayley's comet........

I still can�t believe that I�m being paid less than someone who has no experience. Here is an email she sent me today:

I am trying to figure out how to do this and Dave said you had done it a few times so I was hoping you might be able to help me or instruct me on to do it. The instructions are below. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
-Hayley Sullivan]

[From: Allendorf, Dave
Hi Hayley,
Here is the doc. Please have the drop down boxes list the terms that I have put under the appropriate column. Send to me to review in the AM as I am leaving around 10:30 ish. Thanks for you help�Dave..]

This, my friends is a simple Excel function. Why is it that this girl cannot look up anything on her own? If she doesn�t know the programs, why is she even working there? Can you tell I�m a little irritated?? This is only one of the plethora of emails and questions she sends every week. Oh well.

I really wish that I could go back to school and just finish up my last 2 years. I could finish relatively quickly if I took extra classes and did some May-mesters, Winter-mesters and Summer Semesters - Probably 1 and � years. But, the problem remains of what would I want to get my degree in? I guess I could just get a Business or Marketing degree. Those would both be beneficial to me considering my experience.

This weekend I will check the Sunday paper just to see what�s out there. If I were paid more, I�d like this job. It�s great working with RML because we can carpool which equals HOV baby! He always asks if I want Starbucks when he goes and he sometimes will get lunch for me. Also, those 2 hours/day in the car are nice to spend with him. :0)

I still cannot get over the obsession with Weenie dogs. Why does RML like those dogs? The dog�s body is squatty, fat and long. Short little legs and a long body � almost snake or eel-like. Bleh!

RML�s ex STILL won�t sign the papers. She and her lawyer continually rewrite the Quadro with terms that were not agreed to when they initially settled on amounts. RML has even already paid the bitch what he owed her. She still gets 1/8th of his bonus this Spring, but he may be able to find a way NOT to get a bonus or take a new job�. I�m so sick of this situation sitting in limbo. Today was their anniversary � I am sure it has some effect on RML even though he doesn�t miss HER, he may feel the disappointment that is associated with a failed marriage regardless of his wanting it over as well. I wish she would sign them today so they could be married/divorced same day � that way October 13th will have a GOOD meaning instead of a sickening one.

I�m dying to try the Seasonal Pumpkin Spice latte at Starbucks. Lately I�ve been getting tea because I don�t want all the calories of a latte � that is more of a dessert for me or a Friday Special for me. I like the Passion tea and love Chai Tea.

I am so ready to leave here today. Only 45 minutes and counting� This morning we had to be here at 7:30am so that RML could make his breakfast meeting. I worked out for an hour this AM and got ready there to be here around 9:00 AM. First thing when I walk in is voicemail, texts and emails. The queue is OVERLOADED with 10 contracts due like yesterday. Between 9 am and 12 noon I worked on 21 contracts and did all of them on my own. Of course, I got the nasty gram from the �sup� saying that I needed to follow up on something that she said that she told me to get for her yesterday. Of course, I followed up and all was well. Today they had United Way donation overview meetings. I did not attend either � the HR chick came by and said �Awaves, please join us in Conference Room A for the United Way kick-off meeting!� I told her that I was the only one in the department and that I was working on 10 contracts. That basically meant that I was NOT going to the meeting and basically to �bug off�. Boy, I�m feisty mean today!

KC (nosy neighbor is yacking away on the phone as usual) talking about clothes and where she shops and buys her cheap clothes (hooker clothes to be more exact). Now she�s telling the other line girl that she needs to go to the Spray On Tanning Salon. Andrea actually did that and it looked quite natural on her and was a light golden tan. I wouldn�t mind trying it sometime, but not now. It would look silly with how pale I�ve gotten � to be suddenly tanned overnight. I�ll have to do it when I go on vacation sometime � whenever that might be.

I wish I could go hang out with Madison or Andrea tonight. I consider both on equal �best� friend levels � each in their own way of course, but I�m lonely here without any girlfriends. That sucks. What sucks even more is that I can�t hang with anyone at work because I don�t want anyone to know my business. That can only harm you in the long run. Obviously, this is spoken from experience.

Today I miss my sissy Promise. She is just so sweet and we have so much fun together just hanging out and talking and playing Gin or Speed. She�s turning into a complete knock out. I can�t believe how grown up she is. However, the poor thing has ended up with small breasts. Not as small as Michelle�s but probably not over a B cup. I hope that she never gets self conscious about that or about herself. I hope she stays fit and trim and doesn�t gain weight like I did. I tell her all the time that it is SO hard to lose it once you gain it � every year you get older it gets harder. When I was 24 I could just workout harder for 3 weeks and lose like 10 pounds. Now, it takes a lot more to lose weight for me, but it�s not so bad once I get there � maintenance is much easier.

Well kittens, it is time for this chica to start cleaning up and tying loose ends � only half hour to go. I feel like I was going to write/talk about something else but I completely forget. Don�t you hate it when that happens?

PS - If Kerry is elected President (which he won't be) Mt. Saint Helen will get REALLY angry and blow her top! Just a friendly warning...