Is it Friday yet?

Today would be my sister Heather's 31st birthday. Happy birthday big sis! I wish I knew what she and my nephew Zachery would look like and what they would be like? I don't think she would act a lot different except that she would be almost 12 years older. I am sure she would have married and maybe had another baby by now.... She used to play the piano so beautifully! I would sit and turn pages for her while she played and baby Zachery would sit in his swing listening intently. The only thing that calmed him down when he was upset was listening to his Mother play the piano. He was so cute! Big blue eyes and a tuft of white blonde hair. The day he was born he had a full head of blonde hair. He was a little angel. Saturday is RML's mother's birthday. I couldn't believe it - he went and got a card and sent it without letting me sign too! I had to go get one yesterday and mail it today. Of course it will be late and I am certain that will bother her. She's very tempermental so it might be an issue - I hope not. She's coming to visit this October. Please God let this visit go well... Christmas was such a disaster! We plan to go to WI for Christmas this year - I want to invite his Mom to come along so she won't be alone. We also have tentative plans of going to the Bahamas to visit his Uncle over Thanksgiving. That would be wonderful! I think RML and I are going to Dallas for Labor Day weekend to spend some time with Andrea and Ted. I also have to pick up all my wedding things I left behind. I still have to take my dress to the cleaners for preservation. I know it is filthy from being outside in it. I can't believe I am married! I really wish we had our wedding on video because I can hardly remember it some times - it is such a blur - it went so fast!
Yeah! Tomorrow is Friday! I can't wait!