The bitch is back

The bitch strikes again!

RML's soon to be ex-bitch - we refer to her as c. A+B does not = C and A+B = :) A+B - C= :) You get the picture. We used a,b and c on IM so it was somewhat masked... anyway. C's atty just decided to file for Discovery on RML. This sucks because Discovery needs to be filed 60 days prior to the scheduled court date. Her atty never filed for that. Now it is 11 days prior to the court date and bitch is trying to file for all of this stuff: phone records, expenses, etc. etc. etc. In order for this to happen they would need to file for a continuance. A FUCKING ('cuse my french) CONTINUANCE OF THIS BULL SHIT (again, 'cuse me)! Are you kidding me with this? Anyway, RML is all bummed out - Monday is mediation so basically mediation will be a joke because no one is going to agree on ANYTHING. Makes me so mad because if there is a continuance I am already going to be living in Houston with RML and then I will more than likely get dragged into the whole thing. As of right now I still have a Dallas address, but my mail is already getting forwarded to RML's as of the 17th of this month. What a bunch of CRAP.

I feel bad for my girl Madison. I think she's going through a tough time right now dealing with the "what am I doing with my life" question we all at one - or many times in my case - ask ourselves. I still ask myself that question. Now, I am glad that I am getting established with a company that I can grow with and moving to the Houston office gives me that ability more so than a satellite office in Dallas. Also, I think I will have a better chance of finishing school with the reimbursement from the company. I actually ran across my Bible last night during my adventures in packing. I looked at it and put it back in the box. I really should be reading it as well. A verse here and there a chapter and words of wisdom.... that needs to happen. A funny little tidbit of my packing: I was smart this time and saved all my boxes from when I moved into this apartment last August. Well, I go to get my boxes and am getting down to the last one when I notice there is something on one of the boxes. I look a little closer and about jumped off my balcony. There is a FRICKIN Bee Hive ON THE BOX! I'm deathly afraid and allergic to bees. I haven't been stung since 8th Grade and had a horrible allergic reaction that almost killed me. I haven't been stung since and don't want to be stung again for obvious reasons. Now I have 3 of the Good Boxes left in my closet on my balcony and I'm too scared to go retrieve the two that are good. The bee hive is empty - I think. But, am still creeped out and just can't bring myself to do it. Silly, I know.

Well, today we had a meeting with a Sales Consultant and another guy. It was an incredible meeting. I learned so much about Sales, Sales Pitch and what is good to say, not good to say, etc. It really was enlightening. Very cool.

It's almost 7 and I'm just now getting ready to leave work so time for me to go home and finish packing. I found 3 boxes at work so I'm cool with not using the ones on my patio. I know you were very worried about that. :)

PS - Hang in there Madison and figure out what makes you happy. Getting back in to a routine and working out, etc. has always helped me. I love you!