Time flies when you're having fun ... is it fun yet?????

RML is now in town and he is doing much better. I think he just needed to get out of town and not sit around alone.

Lisa is now in town and she's much happier. I think she really misses living in Dallas, and you know what? I miss her living in Dallas too. She's one of the reasons I moved here and now she's not here. Interesting where life leads us....

My sister Michelle blew me away today with news that she is IN LOVE! She is the last person - at this point in her life - that I would think would want to settle down with a guy. But, I guess my niece is getting older and Michelle will be 24? Wow, time flies but it doesn't necessarily mean you're having fun as the saying goes...

Talked to my brother (Marines) stationed in Japan and he told me that his back was burned. I asked why - oh you know, because he was snorkeling all day. Wow! I want to be a Marine! OK, so he works really hard too, but still! I am so excited for him to be able to experience all of this.

I guess that is it for me. I still have work to do. Arggggg.